以下的四篇文章:第一篇文章是清华和intel合作的,关于虚拟化环境下的Live migration,发表在VEE2012上;第二篇和第一篇相关,发表在Linux Symposium;
- Zhenhao Pan, Yaozu Dong, Yu Chen, Lei Zhang, and Zhijiao Zhang.
CompSC: Live Migration with Pass-through Devices
ACM/Usenix International Conference On Virtual Execution Environments (VEE 2012),
July 2012.
- Edwin Zhai, Gregory D. Cummings, and Yaozu Dong.
Live Migration with Pass-through Device for Linux VM
In Ottawa Linux Symposium (OLS),
Yaozu Dong, Xiaowei Yang, Jianhui Li, Guangdeng Liao, Kun Tian, and Haibing Guan.
High Performance Network Virtualization with SR-IOV
IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA),
- Yaozu Dong , Zhao Yu , and Greg Rose.
SR-IOV Networking in Xen: Architecture, Design and Implementation
Proceedings of the First conference on I/O virtualization,
December 2008.
以下两篇文章:第一篇Lampson 写于1983年,主要讲述了他对计算机设计上的理解,从多个方面(可用性,执行速度,容错等)做了介绍;
- BW Lampson.
Hints for Computer System Design
ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles.
- Roy Levin, and David D. Redell.
How (and How Not) to Write a Good Systems Paper
ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review,
July 1983.
本周我们计划读一些经典的老文章,一方面阅读经典,另一方面从中学习这些文章的写作方法。End to End这篇文章介绍了一种端到端的互联网设计理念,这篇文章发表于OSI七层架构和TCP/IP协议提出之前。
JH Saltzer, DP Reed, and DD Clark.
End to End Arguments in System Design
ACM Transactions on Computer Systems (TOCS),
November 1984.
这两篇Paper分别介绍了Dremel和Pregel,是google 新推出的两个系统架构。
这篇新闻说这两个架构加上caffeine号称 google 的新“三驾马车”。
S Melnik, A Gubarev, JJ Long, etc.
Dremel: Interactive Analysis of WebScale Datasets
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment,
September 2010.
G Malewicz, MH Austern, AJC Bik, etc.
Pregel: A System for Large-Scale Graph Processing
Proceedings of the 2010 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of data,
June 2010.
第一篇论文作者研究了了虚拟机中的Memory Sharing,对内存共享做了仔细的分析,和我们组的工作十分接近。第二篇文章主要关注虚拟机内存Checkpointing过程的优化。
S Barker, T Wood, P Shenoy, and R Sitaraman.
An Empirical Study of Memory Sharing in Virtual Machines
USENIX Annual Technical Conference(ATC),
M Lee, AS Krishnakumar, P Krishnan, N Singh, and S Yajnik.
Hypervisor-Assisted Application Checkpointing in Virtualized Environments
International Conference on Dependable Systems & Networks (DSN),
June 2011.
前四篇是一些关于Amazon 的一些的资料,主要是综述性的文章。后面的两个链接是关于Amazon Glacier的,Glacier是Amazon最近推出的一个存储服务。
Quentin Hardy.
Active in Cloud, Amazon Reshapes Computing.
The New York Times,
August 27, 2012.
David Pogue.
Potluck for the Eyeballs: Amazon's Streaming Service.
The New York Times,
August 29, 2012.
MC Kelly.
Historical Reflections. The Rise, Fall, and Resurrection of Software as a Service.
Communications of the ACM, Vol.52 No.5:
May 2009.
Tom Vanderbilt.
Date Center Overload.
The New York Times,
June 14, 2009.
- http://aws.amazon.com/glacier/
- http://www.datacenterknowledge.com/archives/2012/08/21/amazon-glacier-cold-cloud-storage/